There are currently 20 names in this directory beginning with the letter F.
Failure, adhesive
The failure at the bond line between a substrate and an adhesive; when the adhesive separates entirely from the substrate.
Failure, cohesive
Failure within the adhesive under a stress, resulting in a broken bond with all adhered surfaces still covered with adhesive.
Failure, substrate
The failure of the substrate material itself upon subjecting the bonded adherend surfaces to a stress.
The permanent structural change that occurs in a material that has been subjected to fluctuating stress and strain.
Feather edge
The tapering of the edge of a film of dried material either by the method of application, sanding, or rubbing the dried film, resulting in a gradual progression of the film thickness from little or no material at the edge to a normal coating at the center.
A particulate solid material added to a resin-curing agent system to change properties and/or to lower cost.
The thin, level application of an adhesive or coating to a surface. Thickness is not typically greater than 0.010 inch.
Fire resistance
The property of a material or assembly to withstand fire or give protection from it. Classes are I, II, III or A, B, C with Class I or A being the most fire resistant
Fire retardant
A chemical or preparation of chemicals used to reduce flammability or to retard the spread of a fire over a surface
Flash off time
The time given for a coating to evaporate the low boiling solvents before baking or flocking.
Flash point
The minimum temperature of a liquid at which the vapours given off are sufficient to form a flammable structure with air.
Flooding and floating
The separation of one or more of the pigments from others and their concentration in streaks on the surface of the film.