Dr. Cipy offers specially formulated, high modulus, tar-free, two-component polyurethane elastomeric sealants.
Air force hangar floors need to have onerous performance attributes like excellent resistance to aviation fuels.
Office Space
ESD Zones
In the sensitive ESD areas of Electronics, IT, and Avionics, static charges can impair products.
Exhibiting superior durability, low maintenance, and high performance, Dr. Cipy recommends Polished Concrete Top floorings that find immense application in warehouses and logistics.
Shop Floors
Dr. Cipy’s resinous floorings are designed for the strenuous shop floor environment, protecting its concrete substrates.
One of the most aggressively battered areas, the warehouse floors, encounters hostile conditions every day.
Weld Shops, Press Shops
The concrete floorings at weld and press shops encounter extensive physical and thermal abuses regularly.
Shop Floors
Dr. Cipy’s resinous floorings are designed for the strenuous shop floor environment, protecting its concrete substrates.
One of the most aggressively battered areas, the warehouse floors, encounters hostile conditions every day.